Sun, 28 April 2019
Jesus talked a lot about love and forgiveness, but his message was more bold than what people think. He was an equal opportunity offender that challenged the actions of every group during his ministry. And we learn through the scriptures that anytime the Kingdom of God clashes with the kingdoms of this world it is dangerous and costly. |
Sun, 21 April 2019
Sun, 14 April 2019
The best way to predict your future is to pay attention to where you’re headed. But sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by what’s on the path. The appeal of money, acceptance, or security can lower your defenses and lead you away from the path you want to be on. So is there a way back? How do we change course when we realize that we’ve chosen a path that leads us to what’s appealing instead of what’s ultimately satisfying? |
Sun, 7 April 2019
We all start out life with great intentions. But our intentions aren’t good indicators of our destinations. In fact, our direction trumps our intention every time. That’s why we all need to follow someone we trust. Someone who can make our lives better and make us better at life. So we all have a decision to make. If not Jesus, then who? And if not Christianity, then what? |