Sun, 30 August 2020
Direct download: Blessed_Pt._8-_Those_Who_Are_Persecuted_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 23 August 2020
We live in a world of conflict between nations, political parties, classes of people, friends, and even between family members. Jesus taught that those in his kingdom would be characterized as peacemakers. So what kind of peace was Jesus talking about, and how can we grow in this characteristic? |
Sun, 16 August 2020
Of all the Beatitudes, the statement of Jesus about “the pure in heart” may be the most difficult. It isn’t hard to see ourselves as spiritually bankrupt, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting, merciful, peacemakers, or even being persecuted. But being “pure in heart”? Probably no one goes around thinking of themselves as being pure in heart. So what does Jesus mean and how can we pursue this “purity of heart”? |
Sun, 9 August 2020
Jesus said that people in his Kingdom will be merciful. This characteristic of disciples of Jesus makes Christianity attractive, for at one point or another we all need (and want) mercy. So, what is mercy and how can we grow more merciful? |
Sun, 2 August 2020
Solomon, the third king in Israel, was one of the wealthiest people in world history. He pursued happiness in every way imaginable: education, work, sex, power, wealth, influence, architecture, agriculture, gardening, just to name a few. Yet he wrote that it was all vanity, or emptiness. It didn’t bring him fulfillment. So, where do we find fulfillment? Jesus promised fulfillment to those who pursued righteousness.
Direct download: Blessed_Pt._4-_Hunger_and_Thirst_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |