Sun, 28 February 2021
For a brief moment in time, the nation of Israel had shown signs of their potential glory. But like Adam and Eve in the garden, they fell. And fell again. And again and again. Like the rest of us, they sought sustenance, significance, and meaning in life. But also like many of us, they sought it in the wrong places, straying from God until he gets our attention.
Direct download: Gods_Grand_Story_Pt._5-_Divided_Kingdom_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 21 February 2021
The nation of Israel has inherited the land and territory that God had promised to Abraham. They are coming out of a dark period of time in their history where there was no king and where everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes. Into this environment the nation comes together to receive their first earthly king. While it was a time of great accomplishment, it was also a challenging time for the leaders and the people. We can learn from their struggles and not have to experience their regrets.
Direct download: Gods_Grand_Story_Pt._4-_United_Kingdom_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 14 February 2021
Moses has brought the Israelites to the edge of the land of promise and passes the baton of leadership to Joshua. They set out to inherit what God had promised to Abraham, but it would require them to obey God and trust in his protection and power. After they defeated the enemies of God, they settled into the land. At the end of his life Joshua challenged the people to continue to follow God and walk in his ways. After Joshua and the elders who served with him died, the nation was thrown into a 350 year period where they would stray from God and experience God’s judgment on them to bring them to repentance.
Direct download: Gods_Grand_Story_Pt._3-_Promised_Land_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 7 February 2021
After more than four hundred years of the Israelites being enslaved in Egypt, God heard their cries for help. In Exodus we see him delivering his people from slavery and rescuing them from their enemies. In Leviticus we see God giving explicit instructions on how to live and how to relate to him. In Numbers we witness God guiding, providing for, and disciplining his wayward people. In Deuteronomy we hear him patiently reminding the next generation of Israelites of how to live lives that honor him, bless the world, and bring personal fulfillment.
Direct download: Gods_Grand_Story_Pt._2-_Wanderings_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |