Sun, 29 August 2021
Direct download: Dealing_With_Difficult_People_Pt._2-Needy_PeopleAUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 22 August 2021
Direct download: Diificult_People_Pt._1-The_CriticAUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 15 August 2021
Sun, 8 August 2021
Every person longs for meaningful friendships. We are wired for them. Yet far too many of us have grown to be adults with too little relational connection. What if we lived as a community of people who walked through our days with attentiveness to the opportunities we have to invest in the lives of others? What if, instead of just letting people pass us by, we actually took the time to invest in them. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
Jesus extends an invitation to all people. So we want to be a community of people who are on mission together so that more and more people accept Jesus’ invitation and find their way back to God. An invitation starts with identifying people who we know who might be ready to receive Jesus’ invitation. |