Sun, 25 July 2021
Direct download: Scared_to_Death_Pt._3-_Fears_About_Eternity_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 18 July 2021
In the decisions that come our way, we are faced with many choices, but oftentimes we end up going from one thing to the next and are never able to discern the important from the urgent. This can cause us trouble. However, as we read in the Gospel of Luke, there is only one priority that we should focus on.
Direct download: Scared_to_Death_Pt._2-_Overcoming_Anxiety_1st_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 11 July 2021
Fear is an emotion caused by belief of impending potential distress, misfortune, or loss. It’s based in the future. The source of our fears is usually something we’re going to lose or we’re afraid we won’t have in the future. Since we can never really know what’s the around the corner, is it even possible to live without fear and worry?
Direct download: Scared_to_Death_Pt._1-_Worries_About_Tomorrow_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Sun, 4 July 2021
Do you remember the board game slogan, “You learn about life when you play The Game of Life”? It’s true. We do learn about life when we play games. But too often, the lessons we learn aren’t healthy ones . . . especially when we play The Mind Game. Relationships built on The Mind Game can’t survive.
Direct download: Let_the_Games_Begin_Pt._2-_The_Mind_Game_AUDIO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |