Sun, 26 November 2017
Why didn't God do something? Sometimes, despite our most fervent prayers, God doesn't show up the way we want him to. The cancer isn't cured. The company fails. The foreclosure goes through. In this message, Andy tells us what to look for when it feels like God forgot to show up. |
Sun, 19 November 2017
We’ve all seen athletes point to heaven after touchdowns or home runs. And we’ve heard actors thank God during their acceptance speeches. We know God can be glorified in our moments of success. But what about moments of weakness? How do we keep going when our circumstances are crippling and God seems to be saying, “No”? |
Sun, 12 November 2017
Andy Stanley |
Sun, 5 November 2017
James Brummett
Direct download: You_Got_Soul_PT5_Soul_Food_WEB_Audio_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |